This post is a little of everything that we have been doing the last couple of days in celebration of Macey and Annie's birthdays.
On Sunday night we made a peace sign cake for Macey. She wanted to invite her friend over for cake. We invited the friend and her whole family over to sing Happy Birthday and have some cake. Macey liked how her cake turned out!
10 facts about Macey
1. She is the oldest daughter
2. She is a talented card maker
3. She writes creative stories
4. She is learning how to be a good cleaner
5. She can do her own hair
6. She loves to go to Activity Days
7. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up
8. All her teachers love her
9. She has learned to enjoy reading books on her own
10. She is learning to play the piano.
Now for Annie's Birthday/St. Patrick's Day!!
Annie is now 6! She is very lovable. She loves Kindergarten! All year I have heard "Miss Jordan says...." To Annie everything her teacher says is THE LAW! What a fun girl she is! I am so very happy to have her in our family
6 facts about Annie
1. She has beautiful long blond hair
2. She is learning to read
3. She loves to play with her sisters
4. She talks alot!!!
5. She is very good at dancing
6. She still loves to cuddle
Well, our Birthday mania is over. It was very busy around here for awhile especially when you add in our Anniversary the week before! (13 years) I do enjoy making cakes and trying to make sure the kids feel special on their day. Macey and Annie we love you!