Annie had her 3rd recital this past Saturday. The theme was "When I Grow Up!" Her class was Train Conductors. ( I highly doubt even one of them has ever thought of growing up to be a train conductor haha)
Here is Annie after her show holding flowers from Grandma and Grandpa Hyland.
All ready to Dance.
Her class.
She loves dancing and is already talking about what class she'll be in next year. (I'm very happy for the break!)
Annie lost her first tooth!! She also got a new bed on the same day, so she had her first tooth fairy visit on the same night that she slept in her new bed for the first time!
The day before Easter we had some friends over for a party between conference sessions.
We started out with a big potluck lunch...yum!
After lunch we dyed eggs (outside...yes no mess!)
Luke turned blue before any of the eggs.
He did get some eggs colored!
All the girls loved using pink!
I don't know how many dozen we dyed....but there were lots of colorful eggs.
After egg dying the kids went on a egg hunt.
Luke found his 10 really fast!
After the candy egg hunt the older kids hid the dyed eggs in the backyard for the younger kids to find.
Kambree and her friend.
The weather was beautiful! We had a great time at the party. Thanks to my friend for suggesting it!!
Kambree on Easter with her basket.
Nelson had most of his basket gone before we even ate breakfast!
Annie. I think Luke was asleep when I took these pictures, but I assure you he has a basket full of treat and he loved it. He told me the next Saturday that we had all better get to bed so the Easter bunny could come again. Sorry, not till next year!! We finished our Easter weekend with a wonderful dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Hylands with some cousins and a wonderful meal!