Just a fun story. Today why I was making dinner Annie was whining at me to give her glue. She wanted to glue a googly eye on a pom pom like Kambree did earlier. I was ignoring her since I had already explained that I was busy and I'd help her do it after dinner. All the sudden she started screaming so I looked at her and asked what was wrong. Brad came in and looked at her too. She said that her nose hurt, so Brad started looking at it. I asked if she had stuck her finger up her nose and she said "no." Then I noticed that she didn't have her googly eye anymore. I asked her if she had put it up her nose and she said "no." Brad went to check anyway, but he came back and said that he didn't see anything up there. So we continued to have dinner. Half way through, Annie did a big sneeze that sprayed everywhere. Then a few minutes later Annie quietly came over to me and said "Mom, the eye is up my nose." I told her to see her dad, and Brad closed one of her nostrils and slid the eye out of the other where it just stuck on her upper lip. It was very funny. We guess her sneeze loosened the eye up. I don't know why she didn't fess up to it at the beginning - funny girl!